My blog
From the Archives..
Imperfect Panoramas Here’s a collection of my quirky panoramas over the last five or so years – I’ll add captions as I get to them
Pictures from Bangkok
Cal and I Bangkok for a month All taken on an Iphone 6s Because I was working most of the time, I saw the view from my balcony a lot …but what a view!
Why a “Jim Dobbin is a good man” sticker?
THE Jim Dobbin is a good man sticker STORY By this stage I would hope everyone has been told the story of the artwork, Jim Dobbin is a good man. Just in case one or two of you went out the back for a smoke, it begins thus… Lach Lustre, a gentlemanly young gent, SMS’d…
The Brisbane so few get to see
Words are following, but in short – we went out on the bay for the weekend. Jim and Cal anchored at Blakesley’s Blakesley’s Anchorage dawn Blakesley’s Anchorage sunset Blakesley’s Anchorage Cal and Jim sunset Blakesley’s Anchorage
Working Microadventure…
I had couple of jobs to do on the Sunshine Coast, an hour and a half north of Brisbane, so I decided to not waste the travel time by making it into more of an adventure. Once I’d finished installing the signs, I drove inland through superb country, green hills and thick forests. At Woodford,…
Planning a Microadventure
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” …said LaoTzu, a popular blogger from China, and I’m convinced he was talking about microadventures. I mean, isn’t everyone these days? “So Jim, how do we start to microadventure?” is a question I imagine people asking several times a day …and it is a good…
The Rules
The idea behind microadventures has been quite well documented – a way to look at the world differently, break out of our everyday routines, learn new skills and to appreciate stuff that we may have overlooked. They’re a passport to freedom. …so I’ve come up with a set of rules. From Alistair Humphreys… “…small and…
The Moose
- uhuhu
- husdhsud
- kfkdskfdsf